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[elpa] externals/speedrect 629e9d935b 42/90: add move up/down commands a

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/speedrect 629e9d935b 42/90: add move up/down commands and [M-]S-<up>/<down>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 18:59:13 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/speedrect
commit 629e9d935b64e0c6e7f6c9124de5966ed7998bae
Author: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>

    add move up/down commands and [M-]S-<up>/<down>
 README.md    | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 speedrect.el | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9e95e0843e..d3c0eed0aa 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -62,33 +62,51 @@ You don't have to be in the same `mark-rectangle-mode` 
session to yank a matrix
 SpeedRect Rectangle Mark Mode Commands
   [o] open      fill rectangle with tabs/spaces, moving adjacent text right
   [t] string    replace rectangle with prompt string
   [k] kill      kill and save rectangle for yanking
   [d] delete    kill rectangle without saving
   [SPC] del-ws  delete all whitespace, starting from left column
   [c] clear     clear rectangle area by overwriting with spaces
   [r] rest      delete the rest of the columns, keeping the marked rectangle
 Change Rectangle:
   [n] new       start a new rectangle from this location
   [l] last      restore the last used rectangle position, if possible
 Shift Rectangle (can use numeric prefixes):
   [S-left]      move the rectangle left
   [S-right]     move the rectangle right
+  [S-up]        move the rectangle up
+  [S-down]      move the rectangle down
   [M-S-left]    move the rectangle left 5 columns
   [M-S-right]   move the rectangle right 5 columns
+  [M-S-up]      move the rectangle up 5 columns
+  [M-S-down]    move the rectangle down 5 lines
   [w] copy      copy rectangle for future yanking
   [y] yank      yank rectangle, inserting at point
   [N] numbers   fill the rectangle with numbers (prefix to set start)
   [#] grab      grab the rectangle as a matrix in calc
   [_] across    sum across rows and grab result in calc as a vector
   [:] down      sum down the columns and grab result in calc
   [m] yank-mat  yank matrix from top of calc stack, overwriting selected rect
   [?] help      view this Help buffer
   [q] quit      exit rectangle-mark-mode
diff --git a/speedrect.el b/speedrect.el
index 1823514976..3227b1d267 100644
--- a/speedrect.el
+++ b/speedrect.el
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ rect and exit `rectangle-mark-mode'."
   (set-mark (point)))
-(defun speedrect-shift (columns)
+(defun speedrect-shift-right (columns)
   "Shift the current speedrect by COLUMNS (negative to the left, default 1).
 Note that point and mark will not move beyond the end of text on their lines."
   (interactive "P")
@@ -83,25 +83,54 @@ Note that point and mark will not move beyond the end of 
text on their lines."
        (pcol (current-column))
        (columns (or columns 1))
        (mcol (progn (goto-char (mark)) (current-column))))
-    (move-to-column (+ mcol columns))
+    (move-to-column (max 0 (+ mcol columns)))
     (set-mark (point))
     (goto-char p)
-    (move-to-column (+ pcol columns))))
+    (move-to-column (max 0 (+ pcol columns)))))
-(defun speedrect-shift-fast (columns)
+(defun speedrect-shift-right-fast (columns)
   "Shift the current speedrect left by COLUMNS (default 5)."
   (interactive "P")
-  (speedrect-shift (or columns 5)))
+  (speedrect-shift-right (or columns 5)))
 (defun speedrect-shift-left (columns)
   "Shift the current speedrect left by COLUMNS (default 1)."
   (interactive "P")
-  (speedrect-shift (- (or columns 1))))
+  (speedrect-shift-right (- (or columns 1))))
 (defun speedrect-shift-left-fast (columns)
   "Shift the current speedrect left by COLUMNS (default 5)."
   (interactive "P")
-  (speedrect-shift (- (or columns 5))))
+  (speedrect-shift-right (- (or columns 5))))
+(defun speedrect-shift-down (lines)
+  "Shift rectangle down by LINES."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((p (point))
+       (pcol (current-column))
+       (lines (or lines 1))
+       (mcol (progn (goto-char (mark)) (current-column))))
+    (forward-line lines)
+    (move-to-column mcol)
+    (set-mark (point))
+    (goto-char p)
+    (forward-line lines)
+    (move-to-column pcol)))
+(defun speedrect-shift-down-fast (lines)
+  "Shift the current speedrect down by LINES (default 5)."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (speedrect-shift-down (or lines 5)))
+(defun speedrect-shift-up (lines)
+  "Shift the current speedrect up by LINES (default 1)."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (speedrect-shift-down (- (or lines 1))))
+(defun speedrect-shift-up-fast (lines)
+  "Shift the current speedrect up by LINES (default 5)."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (speedrect-shift-down (- (or lines 5))))
 (defun speedrect-delete-rest (start end)
   "Keep rectangle between START and END, deleting the rest of the affected 
@@ -189,8 +218,12 @@ each side of the inserted text."
             "Shift Rectangle (can use numeric prefixes):\n\n"
             "  [S-left]      move the rectangle left\n"
             "  [S-right]     move the rectangle right\n"
+            "  [S-up]        move the rectangle up\n"
+            "  [S-down]      move the rectangle down\n"
             "  [M-S-left]    move the rectangle left 5 columns\n"
-            "  [M-S-right]   move the rectangle right 5 columns\n\n"
+            "  [M-S-right]   move the rectangle right 5 columns\n"
+            "  [M-S-up]      move the rectangle up 5 columns\n"
+            "  [M-S-down]    move the rectangle down 5 lines\n\n"
             "  [w] copy      copy rectangle for future yanking\n"
             "  [y] yank      yank rectangle, inserting at point\n\n"
@@ -223,10 +256,14 @@ prior to deactivating mark."
      ("d" delete-rectangle)     ("N" rectangle-number-lines)
      ("r" speedrect-delete-rest) ("SPC" delete-whitespace-rectangle)
      ;; Shift rect
-     ("S-<right>" speedrect-shift)
+     ("S-<right>" speedrect-shift-right)
      ("S-<left>" speedrect-shift-left)
-     ("M-S-<right>" speedrect-shift-fast)
+     ("M-S-<right>" speedrect-shift-right-fast)
      ("M-S-<left>" speedrect-shift-left-fast)
+     ("S-<up>" speedrect-shift-up)
+     ("S-<down>" speedrect-shift-down)
+     ("M-S-<up>" speedrect-shift-up-fast)
+     ("M-S-<down>" speedrect-shift-down-fast)
      ;; Calc commands
      ("_" calc-grab-sum-across) (":" calc-grab-sum-down) ("#" 
      ("m" speedrect-yank-from-calc)

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