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[elpa] externals/speedrect 874f0be40c 81/90: calc: allow mismatched rect

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/speedrect 874f0be40c 81/90: calc: allow mismatched rect/vector heights with warning + format
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 18:59:18 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/speedrect
commit 874f0be40c92b2341cce2c4ec2ff917fcdb1a7a3
Author: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>

    calc: allow mismatched rect/vector heights with warning + format
    Note calc appends an additional space to the last line of a
    vector (which we now trim).
 speedrect.el | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/speedrect.el b/speedrect.el
index 471f9c4db8..a13c37eda4 100644
--- a/speedrect.el
+++ b/speedrect.el
@@ -160,12 +160,23 @@ Note that point and mark will not move beyond the end of 
text on their lines."
                   (progn (goto-char end) (line-end-position)))
     (insert (string-join rect "\n"))))
-(defun speedrect--replace-with-rect (startcol endcol rect &optional from to)
-  "Insert RECT's 2nd element, replacing text between STARTCOL and ENDCOL.
-The element is removed from RECT by side effect.  FROM and TO are
-optional substring positions to insert."
+(defun speedrect--replace-with-rect (startcol endcol lines width
+                                             &optional from to)
+  "Insert LINES' 1st element, replacing text between STARTCOL and ENDCOL.
+Each string in LINES is space-padded to occupy at least WIDTH
+characters.  The element is removed from LINES by side effect.
+FROM and TO are optional substring positions to insert.  WIDTH is
+used to insert spaces if the LINES list is not long enough to
+full the full rectangle."
   (delete-rectangle-line startcol endcol nil)
-  (insert (substring (pop (cdr rect)) from to)))
+  (let ((el (car lines))
+       (w (- width (or from 0) (- (or to 0)))))
+    (if el
+       (progn
+         (insert (substring el from (+ width to)))
+         (setcar lines (cadr lines))
+         (setcdr lines (cddr lines)))
+      (insert (make-string w ?\s)))))
 (defun speedrect--lr-space (rect)
   "Compute and return the minimum number of flanking spaces.
@@ -198,17 +209,20 @@ inserted text."
                         (math-format-value (calc-top))))))
             (b (region-beginning))
             (e (region-end))
-            (height (+ (count-lines b e) (if (eq (char-before e) ?\n) 1 0))))
-       (if (eq (length lines) height)
-           (let* ((lr (speedrect--lr-space lines))
-                  (low (max 0 (1- (car lr))))
-                  (high (- (1- (cdr lr)))))
-             (when (>= high 0) (setq high nil))
-             (push nil lines) ; dummy, for consuming lines in 
-             (apply-on-rectangle 'speedrect--replace-with-rect
-                                 start end lines low high))
-         (user-error "Row count of calc matrix (%d) does not match rectangle 
height (%d)"
-                     (length lines) height)))
+            (rect-height (+ (count-lines b e) (if (eq (char-before e) ?\n) 1 
+       (unless (= (length lines) rect-height)
+         (warn "Row count of calc matrix (%d) does not match rectangle height 
(%d), %s"
+               (length lines) rect-height
+               (if (> rect-height (length lines)) "inserting blanks" 
+         (when (< rect-height (length lines))
+          (setq lines (cl-subseq lines 0 rect-height))))
+       (let* ((lr (speedrect--lr-space lines))
+              (wdth (length (car lines))) ; note: last line may differ
+              (low (max 0 (1- (car lr))))
+              (high (min 0 (- (1- (cdr lr)))))
+              (lst (last lines)))
+         (apply-on-rectangle 'speedrect--replace-with-rect
+                             start end lines wdth low high)))
     (user-error "Calc rectangle yank not possible here")))
 (declare-function mc/edit-lines "mc-edit-lines")

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