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[nongnu] elpa/gnosis 3265f6486e 1/3: dashboard: Improve performance by 9

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/gnosis 3265f6486e 1/3: dashboard: Improve performance by 97%
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 16:00:08 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/gnosis
commit 3265f6486eba09bf00850627a231cb26731009c6
Author: Thanos Apollo <public@thanosapollo.org>
Commit: Thanos Apollo <public@thanosapollo.org>

    dashboard: Improve performance by 97%
    * Add gnosis-dashboard--output-notes.
    * Adjust emacsql queries to improve performance, depend less on
      emacs-lisp loops.
 gnosis.el | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gnosis.el b/gnosis.el
index 9a83e02c8e..c0941946ee 100644
--- a/gnosis.el
+++ b/gnosis.el
@@ -2678,20 +2678,10 @@ Skips days where no note was reviewed."
     (if (null reviews) 0
       (format "%.2f" (/ (apply '+ reviews) (float (length reviews)))))))
-(defun gnosis-dashboard-output-note (id)
-  "Output contents for note with ID, formatted for gnosis dashboard."
-  (cl-loop for item in (append (gnosis-select
-                               '[main options answer tags type] 'notes `(= id 
,id) t)
-                              (gnosis-select 'suspend 'review-log `(= id ,id) 
-           if (listp item)
-           collect (mapconcat #'identity item ",")
-           else
-           collect (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " (format "%s" item))))
-(defun gnosis-dashboard-edit-note (&optional id)
+(defun gnosis-dashboard-edit-note ()
   "Edit note with ID."
-  (let ((id (or id (string-to-number (tabulated-list-get-id)))))
+  (let ((id (tabulated-list-get-id)))
     (gnosis-edit-note id)))
 (defun gnosis-dashboard-suspend-note ()
@@ -2734,6 +2724,26 @@ Skips days where no note was reviewed."
   "Minor mode for gnosis dashboard notes output."
   :keymap gnosis-dashboard-notes-mode-map)
+(defun gnosis-dashboard--output-notes (note-ids)
+  "Output tabulated-list format for NOTE-IDS."
+  (cl-assert (listp note-ids))
+  (let ((entries (emacsql gnosis-db
+                         `[:select
+                           [notes:id notes:main notes:options notes:answer
+                                     notes:tags notes:type review-log:suspend]
+                           :from notes
+                           :join review-log :on (= notes:id review-log:id)
+                           :where (in notes:id ,(vconcat note-ids))])))
+    (cl-loop for sublist in entries
+             collect
+            (list (car sublist)
+                   (vconcat 
+                   (cl-loop for item in (cdr sublist)
+                            if (listp item)
+                            collect (mapconcat #'identity item ",")
+                            else
+                            collect (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " (format 
"%s" item))))))))
 (defun gnosis-dashboard-output-notes (note-ids)
   "Return NOTE-IDS contents on gnosis dashboard."
   (cl-assert (listp note-ids) t "`note-ids' must be a list of note ids.")
@@ -2752,14 +2762,10 @@ Skips days where no note was reviewed."
   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-    (insert "Loading notes..."))
+    (insert (format "Loading %s notes..." (length note-ids))))
   (run-with-timer 0.1 nil
                   (lambda ()
-                    (let ((entries
-                           (cl-loop for id in note-ids
-                                    for output = (gnosis-dashboard-output-note 
-                                    when output
-                                    collect (list (number-to-string id) 
(vconcat output)))))
+                    (let ((entries (gnosis-dashboard--output-notes note-ids)))
                       (with-current-buffer gnosis-dashboard-buffer-name
                         (setq tabulated-list-entries entries)
                         (tabulated-list-print t)

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