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[elpa] externals/speedrect 50d793aaa1 11/12: README: added help info

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/speedrect 50d793aaa1 11/12: README: added help info
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 12:59:29 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/speedrect
commit 50d793aaa190d6458ca27f5d9e55a6836c1fb755
Author: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>

    README: added help info
 README.md | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f64c79af0f..7748b773a0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,6 +46,70 @@ Or, with `use-package` and `straight`:
 Start `rectangle-mark-mode` as usual (`C-x SPC`, by default).  Hit `?` to 
summon a help buffer of available key bindings.  By default most commands 
restart `rectangle-mark-mode`; `q` (or any other non-shortcut command) to exit. 
 If you'd prefer speedrect commands not to continue in this way, set 
+## Commands
+Current single keystroke bindings (available from `?`):
+SpeedRect Rectangle Mark Mode Commands
+  [o] open      open rectangle with tabs/spaces, shifting text right
+  [t] string    replace rectangle with string
+  [k] kill      kill and save rectangle for yanking (keep space, with prefix)
+  [d] delete    kill rectangle without saving
+  [SPC] del-ws  delete all whitespace from left (right, with prefix)
+  [c] clear     clear rectangle area by overwriting with spaces
+  [r] rest      delete the rest of the columns, keeping the marked rectangle
+  [w] copy      copy rectangle for future rectangle yanking
+  [W] copy-text copy rectangle to kill ring as normal lines of text
+  [y] yank      yank rectangle, inserting at point
+Shift Rectangle (can use numeric prefixes):
+  [S-left]      move the rectangle left
+  [S-right]     move the rectangle right
+  [S-up]        move the rectangle up
+  [S-down]      move the rectangle down
+  [M-S-left]    move the rectangle left 5 columns
+  [M-S-right]   move the rectangle right 5 columns
+  [M-S-up]      move the rectangle up 5 lines
+  [M-S-down]    move the rectangle down 5 lines
+Change Rectangle:
+  [x] corners   move point around corners of the rectangle
+  [n] new       start a new rectangle from this location
+  [l] last      restore the last used rectangle, if possible
+  [N] numbers   fill the rectangle with numeric range (prefix to set start)
+  [+/=] increment increment the first number (prefix to set increment)
+  [-] decrement decrement the first number (prefix to set decrement)
+  [#] grab      grab the rectangle as a matrix in calc
+  [_] across    sum across rows and grab result in calc as a vector
+  [:] down      sum down the columns and grab result in calc
+  [m] yank-mat  yank matrix from top of calc stack, overwriting selection
+  [f] fill      fill text within rectangle (prefix to prompt fill width)
+  [M] multiple-cursors  add cursors at current column
+  [u] undo      undo last edit (and restart)
+  [?] help      view this Help buffer
+  [q] quit      exit rectangle-mark-mode
+Note that as mentioned many commands can be modified with a prefix (e.g. `M-10 
S-right` or `C-u k`).
 ## Hints

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