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[nongnu] elpa/php-mode c716ba9e0a 4/6: Merge pull request #795 from emac

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/php-mode c716ba9e0a 4/6: Merge pull request #795 from emacs-php/update/phpdoc-types
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 01:00:47 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/php-mode
commit c716ba9e0a30bed68aadf98ba20224bd81e480df
Merge: 910391c092 c2f416b3c9
Author: USAMI Kenta <tadsan@pixiv.com>
Commit: GitHub <noreply@github.com>

    Merge pull request #795 from emacs-php/update/phpdoc-types
    Update php-phpdoc-type-names to support PHPStan 2.0.4
 lisp/php-mode.el | 26 ++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/php-mode.el b/lisp/php-mode.el
index 6a6523e154..867a84fe6e 100644
--- a/lisp/php-mode.el
+++ b/lisp/php-mode.el
@@ -1301,18 +1301,20 @@ for \\[find-tag] (which see)."
 ;; Font Lock
 (defconst php-phpdoc-type-names
-  (list "string" "integer" "int" "boolean" "bool" "float"
-        "double" "object" "mixed" "array" "resource"
-        "void" "null" "false" "true" "self" "static"
-        "callable" "iterable" "number"
-        ;; PHPStan and Psalm types
-        "array-key" "associative-array" "callable-array" "callable-object"
-        "callable-string" "class-string" "empty" "enum-string" "list"
-        "literal-string" "negative-int" "non-positive-int" "non-negative-int"
-        "never" "never-return" "never-returns" "no-return" "non-empty-array"
-        "non-empty-list" "non-empty-string" "non-falsy-string"
-        "numeric" "numeric-string" "positive-int" "scalar"
-        "trait-string" "truthy-string" "key-of" "value-of")
+  '(;; PHPStan and Psalm types
+    "__stringandstringable" "array" "array-key" "associative-array" "bool" 
+    "callable" "callable-array" "callable-object" "callable-string" 
+    "closed-resource" "double" "empty" "empty-scalar" "enum-string" "false" 
+    "int" "integer" "interface-string" "iterable" "list" "literal-string" 
+    "mixed" "negative-int" "never" "never-return" "never-returns" "no-return" 
+    "non-empty-list" "non-empty-literal-string" "non-empty-lowercase-string" 
+    "non-empty-scalar" "non-empty-string" "non-empty-uppercase-string" 
+    "non-negative-int" "non-positive-int" "non-zero-int" "noreturn" "null" 
"number" "numeric"
+    "numeric-string" "object" "open-resource" "parent" "positive-int" 
+    "pure-closure" "resource" "scalar" "self" "static" "string" "trait-string" 
+    "truthy-string" "uppercase-string" "void"
+    ;; PHPStan Generic Types
+    "key-of" "value-of" "int-mask-of" "int-mask" "__benevolent" 
"template-type" "new")
   "A list of type and pseudotype names that can be used in PHPDoc.")
 (make-obsolete-variable 'php-phpdoc-type-keywords 'php-phpdoc-type-names 

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