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[nongnu] elpa/subed 2b9d3ebbac 1/3: mpv: New commands for screenshots an

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/subed 2b9d3ebbac 1/3: mpv: New commands for screenshots and copying position
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 10:01:14 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/subed
commit 2b9d3ebbacda57169d313626dd1debb7b7c99023
Author: Sacha Chua <sacha@sachachua.com>
Commit: Sacha Chua <sacha@sachachua.com>

    mpv: New commands for screenshots and copying position
    * subed/subed-mpv.el (subed-mpv-screenshot): New command.
    (subed-mpv-screenshot-with-subtitles): New command.
    (subed-mpv-copy-position-as-timestamp): New command.
    (subed-mpv-copy-position-as-seconds): New command.
    (subed-mpv-copy-position-as-msecs): New command.
 subed/subed-mpv.el | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 subed/subed.el     |  7 ++++++
 2 files changed, 71 insertions(+)

diff --git a/subed/subed-mpv.el b/subed/subed-mpv.el
index f6e3e8925b..26e2651606 100644
--- a/subed/subed-mpv.el
+++ b/subed/subed-mpv.el
@@ -421,6 +421,70 @@ by frames until any other key is pressed."
   "Reload subtitle file from disk."
   (subed-mpv--client-send '(sub-reload)))
+(defun subed-mpv-screenshot (&optional file flags)
+  "Take a screenshot without subtitles.
+Save to FILE if specified.
+Use \\[universal-argument] to save to a specific file.
+Returns the filename."
+  (setq flags (or flags 'video))
+  (interactive (list (if current-prefix-arg (read-file-name "Filename: "))))
+  (if file
+      (subed-mpv--client-send `(screenshot-to-file ,file ,flags))
+    (let ((old-latest
+           (car (sort (seq-remove #'file-directory-p
+                                  (directory-files default-directory 'full 
"mpv-shot[0-9]+\\.jpg" t))
+                      #'file-newer-than-file-p))))
+      (subed-mpv--client-send `(screenshot ,flags))
+      (while (string=
+              (car (sort (seq-remove #'file-directory-p
+                                     (directory-files default-directory 'full 
"mpv-shot[0-9]+\\.jpg" t))
+                         #'file-newer-than-file-p))
+              old-latest)
+        (sit-for 0.5)
+        (setq file (car (sort (seq-remove #'file-directory-p
+                                          (directory-files default-directory 
'full "mpv-shot[0-9]+\\.jpg" t))
+                              #'file-newer-than-file-p))))))
+  (kill-new file)
+  (message "Copied %s" file)
+  file)
+(defun subed-mpv-screenshot-with-subtitles (&optional file)
+  "Take a screenshot including subtitles.
+Save to FILE if specified.
+Use \\[universal-argument] to save to a specific file.
+Returns the filename."
+  (interactive (list (if current-prefix-arg (read-file-name "Filename: "))))
+  (subed-mpv-screenshot file 'subtitles))
+(defun subed-mpv-copy-position-as-timestamp ()
+  "Copy current playback position as a timestamp."
+  (interactive)
+  (if subed-mpv-playback-position
+      (progn
+        (let ((pos (subed-msecs-to-timestamp subed-mpv-playback-position)))
+          (kill-new pos)
+          (message "Copied %s" pos)))
+    (error "No playback position yet")))
+(defun subed-mpv-copy-position-as-seconds ()
+  "Copy current playback position as seconds.
+This might be helpful for ffmpeg."
+  (interactive)
+  (if subed-mpv-playback-position
+      (let ((pos (number-to-string (/ subed-mpv-playback-position 1000.0))))
+        (kill-new pos)
+        (message "Copied %s" pos))
+    (error "No playback position yet")))
+(defun subed-mpv-copy-position-as-msecs ()
+  "Copy current playback position as msecs."
+  (interactive)
+  (if subed-mpv-playback-position
+      (let ((pos (number-to-string subed-mpv-playback-position)))
+        (kill-new pos)
+        (message "Copied %s" pos))
+    (error "No playback position yet")))
 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'subed-mpv--is-video-file-p 
'subed-mpv--is-media-file-p "1.20")
 (defun subed-mpv--is-media-file-p (filename)
   "Return non-nil if FILENAME is a media file.
diff --git a/subed/subed.el b/subed/subed.el
index 367db92d23..a597d28834 100644
--- a/subed/subed.el
+++ b/subed/subed.el
@@ -54,11 +54,13 @@
        "S-<right>" #'subed-mpv-small-step
        "SPC" #'subed-mpv-toggle-pause
        "u" #'subed-mpv-undo-seek
+       "S-<backspace>" #'subed-mpv-undo-seek
        "j" #'subed-mpv-jump-to-current-subtitle
        "J" #'subed-mpv-jump-to-current-subtitle-near-end
        "s" #'subed-mpv-seek
        "S" #'subed-mpv-jump
   "l" #'subed-toggle-loop-over-current-subtitle
+  ;; hmm, should we change these to work with the playback speed instead?
        "[" #'subed-copy-player-pos-to-start-time
        "]" #'subed-copy-player-pos-to-stop-time
        "{" #'subed-copy-player-pos-to-start-time-and-copy-to-previous
@@ -67,6 +69,11 @@
        "f" #'subed-forward-subtitle-text
        "p" #'subed-backward-subtitle-text
        "n" #'subed-forward-subtitle-text
+       "i" #'subed-mpv-screenshot
+       "I" #'subed-mpv-screenshot-with-subtitles ; note that this is the 
opposite of MPV's s/S
+  "t" #'subed-mpv-copy-position-as-timestamp
+  "T" #'subed-mpv-copy-position-as-seconds
+  "M-t" #'subed-mpv-copy-position-as-msecs
   "<up>" #'subed-backward-subtitle-text
        "<down>" #'subed-forward-subtitle-text
   "S-<up>" #'subed-mpv-backward-subtitle-and-jump

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