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[Orgmode] FR: more options in (org-diary)

From: Wanrong Lin
Subject: [Orgmode] FR: more options in (org-diary)
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 15:24:22 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)


This is branched off from the previous thread "FR: date marking in calendar". I got the marking working now with the help from Bastien. My intention was to mark calendar with important "hard schedule" (appointments) that can not be conflicted with. However, I could not do it with current org-diary function, as detailed in the following:
1. Apparently, I can not use %%(org-diary :scheduled), as a lot of 
"SCHEDULED" items are just "softly scheduled". I would like to do those 
things at specified time, but do not HAVE TO do them.
2. If I use %%(org-diary :timestamp), and use plain active time stamps 
for all my appointments, all my appointments will be marked, however, 
entries like this will get marked too:
***** Payday
     <2007-11-02 Fri +2w>

The above entry is just a reminder so I will know it is a payday by checking today's agenda. But this does not require any action and hence is not an appointment. I can not change the above plain time stamp to "SCHEDULED" because that will make it show up as a "past due" task in my everyday agenda.
3. My way of indicating that a task is an appointment is as following:

* TODO See Doctor Smith :APPOINT:
 SCHEDULED: <2008-03-05 Wed 09:00>

I use a tag to indicate an appointment. This makes it easy to search and list all appointments and clears the ambiguity around "what exactly is an appointment". Also I use "SCHEDULED" instead of a plain time stamp because if for some reason I missed an appointment (say because I took a 3-week vacation), I want the appointment to show up in my agenda as a past due task instead of being silently passed by.
4. I am reluctant to put my appointments in the diary file, as I want to 
have all my planning information in org files. Org file entries provide 
much more than diary entries. For example, I can group my health related 
appointments in a sub-tree. I can archive my previous dental 
appointments so I know when I should see my dentist next time, and etc.
It seems if we can enhance (org-diary) function a little bit by doing 
the following, my problem can be solved:
1. add options to limit search to "TODO" items only (I can compromise by 
using plain time stamp in my appointments)
2. and/or, add options to limit search to items with certain tags (my 
appointment set up will work very well with this option)
Any comments?  Thank you very much.


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