Hello everyone,
I have a problem with the completion
inside a :PROPERTIES: drawer
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of
2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
Org-mode version 6.12a
Since I'm under WinXP M-<TAB> will change window :-((((
and I use C-M-i to have the completion.
-*- mode: org; -*-
* CD collection
:Publisher_ALL: "Deutsche Grammophon" Philips EMI
** Classic
*** Light bulb
:Publisher: Philips
If, in the :PROPERTIES: drawer of the "Light bulb" CD
I type:
:N /then hit:/ C-M-i
then the completion works and I have:
But if I type
since I'd like to insert ":Type_of_music:" glittering ;-)
then /then hit:/ C-M-i
the *Completions* buffer pops up showing the alternatives:
Click <mouse-2> on a completion to select it.
In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point.
Possible completions are:
Title Type_of_music
then, when I Click <mouse-2> (i.e. left click) on "Type",
the completion is only
Is it a bug? I mean, is it possible to have the
"complete" completion with the colon as well?
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