Hi everybody! Here I am with another question...
I started trying to use org-mode for logging my work.
Basically a I have one org file for project. I have only a
few projects to work on, but I have detailed outline with all
my tasks for each one.
They have a structure like this one:
* My Project Tasks
** Configuration
*** Task 1
*** Task 2
** Tests
*** Task 3
*** Task 4
As showed above, my tasks are devided into groups
( Configuration an Tests). The groups are level two headers.
Every end of day, I go to agenda view and pres S-R to get
a summary of worked hours.
I enter this information in my company's system. They use
the system to sum up project's team worked hours to bill
our customer.
The org-mode summary works great!
But now my company's system is forcing me to enter total
worked ours by task. So I will need a summary by Task, I
mean I need summary of Tasks in level 3 headers. How can I
configure my summary in agenda view to show me this information?
I see in the org-mode manual that I could specify level
when generating summary inside the org file. But I'd like
to use in agenda view, since this gives me the summary for all
my project files in one place easily.
Flávio de Souza
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