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[Orgmode] Re: [PATCH] better links to Gnus articles

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: [PATCH] better links to Gnus articles
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:35:53 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Ulf Stegemann <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Ulf,

> I've just updated to the latest git version and it seems that the
> patch in questions breaks linking to Gnus articles. I'm using XEmacs
> 21.4.21 and No Gnus v0.9.

Hm, I tried to setup XEmacs 21.4.21 and ngnus-0.10 (0.9 is not listed at
gnus.org), but when do (require 'gnus) I get:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Cannot open load file" "jka-compr") 
  load-internal("jka-compr" nil t nil nil nil) 
  load("jka-compr" nil t nil) 
  (progn (require (quote jka-compr))) 
  (eval-when-compile (require (quote jka-compr))) 
  load-internal("mm-util" nil t nil nil nil) 
  load("mm-util" nil t nil) 
  load-internal("gnus" nil t nil nil nil) 
  load("gnus" nil t nil) 
  eval((require (quote gnus))) 
  eval-interactive((require (quote gnus))) 

Where do I get jka-compr for XEmacs?

> Unfortunately, I hadn't had the time to dive deeper into this but
> what's not working anymore is `org-store-link' in an article or
> summary buffer ...
> ,----
> | Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Cannot link to a buffer which is
> | not visiting a file")
> |   signal(error ("Cannot link to a buffer which is not visiting a file"))
> |   cerror("Cannot link to a buffer which is not visiting a file")
> |   apply(cerror "Cannot link to a buffer which is not visiting a file" nil)
> |   error("Cannot link to a buffer which is not visiting a file")
> |   org-store-link(nil)
> |   call-interactively(org-store-link)
> `----

Hm, that indicates that `org-gnus-store-link' returned nil.  You could
do me a favour and edebug `org-gnus-store-link' and see what's going
wrong.  There might me some differences between emacs and XEmacs I'm not
aware of.

> ... as well as opening a stored link to a Gnus article in an org
> buffer (giving me "No Match"). Maybe I have the time to investigate
> this further tomorrow or next week but I already wanted to let you
> know that the patch in question probably needs some further attention.

I'll try to fix it as soon as you figured aut where it all fails or I
got XEmacs and Gnus running.  At least with my normal emacs, the linking
works just fine...


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