I want to get the title of some entry in Elisp. That is, from this
*** TODO Do something!
I want the "Do something!".
I know no function to do this; although there is probably one. What
I found is:
- (org-entry-properties) returns the TODO keyword, the tags, and
the category, but not the title.
- (org-get-entry) has no useful documentation but it seems to
return the content, not the heading.
- (org-get-header HEADER) does something else related to mail; it
seems to be unused and not much documented.
- (org-get-heading t) seems to return the full line (even with
keyword), but with properties:
#("TODO Do something!" 0 4
(org-category "test1" fontified t face org-todo)
4 18
(org-category "test1" fontified t face org-level-3))
Based on this, I did a function to remove the TODO keyword and the
(defun org-get-heading-title ()
"Returns the heading of the current entry as a string, without the
leading stars, the TODO keyword or the tags."
(let (
(title-with-props (org-get-heading t))
(keyword (org-get-todo-state))
(substring-no-properties title-with-props (if keyword (1+ (length
- This could also be implemented as a parameter to (org-get-heading).
- Or the title returned in (org-entry-properties)
- And (org-get-header HEADER) could be removed.
- In any case, such a function can be included in Org-mode so that
it is easy to find.
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