Hey List!
I have just installed emacs23 and org-mode has a kink:
I use sexp expressions in an org file to put my schedule in the
agenda, like this:
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 1) 10:15-12:00 TM1 MW2001
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 1) 12:15-13:00 CAD+MZ MW2001
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 1) 15:00-16:30 TM1 Zentral
bung MW2001
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 2) 08:30-10:00 Analysis f r
Informatiker PH HS2
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 2) 16:00-17:30 Informatik 2 MI
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 3) 08:30-10:00 Analysis f r
Informatiker MW 1801
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 3) 10:15-11:45 GDB MI HS1
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 3) 12:00-12:45 GBS MI HS1
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 3) 14:15-15:45 Analysis- bung
%%(diary-schedule 13 10 2008 7 2 2009 3) 16:00-17:30 Businessplan
However, on the first time I open the agenda, it takes a long time and
then I get the error "invalid sexp in <file>, line <line>" (replace
angled words with values^^).
However, the second time I open the agenda, everything works.
What could be the problem?
Many thanks in advance,
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