Rainer Thiel <address@hidden> writes:
I want to report what I think is a bug in the routines for exporting
checkbox lists into LaTeX-related formats (including pdf).
While checkboxes checked in orgmode appear as checked in html and
ascii exports, all boxes are blank (unchecked) in LaTeX and related
export files. I am appending some files to document the bug.
I seem to remember this feature worked fine some time ago, so I think
that might be a relatively new bug.
I believe this is caused by a typo in the following line in
(defcustom org-export-latex-list-parameters
'(:cbon "\\texttt{[ ]}" :cboff "\\texttt{[ ]}")
`-> This should be [X]
You can set this variable to override this default value, which
could be
set this way to intentionally uncheck everything in the exported LaTeX
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