The following applies to Emacs 23.0.92 and Org 6.25trans, both checked
out a few minutes ago.
I'm quite fond of using counter cookies in headlines (`[/]' or `[%]').
However, when using those cookies in headlines where the body mixes up
checkbox lists and subtasks org-mode changes reference of the cookie
between list items and tasks depending on what has been last updated
(probably due to the fact that the cookies may refer to both types).
To give an example:
* TODO Something to do [/]
- [ ] first item
- [ ] second item
- [ ] third item
** TODO first subtask
** TODO second subtask
Now, when checking a check box this would look like:
* TODO Something to do [1/3]
- [x] first item
- [ ] second item
- [ ] third item
** TODO first subtask
** TODO second subtask
Given that, changing the state of a subtask will lead to:
* TODO Something to do [1/2]
- [x] first item
- [ ] second item
- [ ] third item
** DONE first subtask
** TODO second subtask
So the question is: Is it possible to give the counter cookie a clear
reference, i.e. always counting the checkbox list *or* the subtasks?
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