On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Sebastian Rose
<address@hidden> wrote:
Xin Shi <
address@hidden> writes:
> Hi Sebastian,
> This is a really great feature I was hoping to have!
> I tried to get the
http://orgmode.org/org-info.js and tested on Firefox
> 3.0.11, the "B" works but click on the go back button is not working. ...
> not sure why.
The reason for this is, we can not modify the history. What we can do,
is to modify the current history entry. If we used
the page would be reloaded when going to the next section.
The browsers back button works only across history entries (i.e. from
one file to another in this case).
But going back in the navigation history of the current file works only
through the keyboard shortcuts or the clicking the links org-info.js
adds to the page.