I've been re-entering my life data into Orgmode after about a year of just using a palm pilot. So I would like to contribute something to the org community again. A while back I wrote some elisp code for displaying bitmap icons as overlays in org buffers (screenshots at http://dto.github.com/notebook/linkd.html )
As you can see I also drew a bunch of .xpm icons for emacs to display in the buffers. I would be happy to contribute these icons and rework that 30 or 40 lines of overlay code back into a nice little org extension. After a discussion on the #org-mode IRC channel, it seems like there might be a demand for this. We have at least 2 people who want it. :)
What do people think of icons in org buffers? This could actually reduce visual noise and increase comprehension. Think of priorities being colored circles instead of [#A] [#B] [#C]. Or TODO and DONE and CANCELED being represented by different checkboxy icons.