Uwe Jochum writes:
Hi all,
since a couple of weeks I have this strange behaviour of orgmode:
When I try to export to PDF via Ctrl-c-e and then using »d«
to export as
Latex, process PDF and open the PDF, orgmode begins the export
and then stops somehow. I can export to LaTeX (l) und to a temporary
LaTeX buffer (L), and having a LaTeX buffer I can produce a
PDF without
any problem, but I cannot use the »p« and the »d« key to
produce PDF in
one step.
This happens since orgmode 6.27, and it happens also in
6.28b. My system
is a Windows XP machine using MikTeX als LaTeX-environment. MikTeX is
freshly updated and works well. Emacs is GNU Emacs 22.3.1.
I have the same problem on my machine
WinXP, emacs 22.2.1, org-mode 2.28b, MikTeX 2.6
I use c-c c-e d.
The mode line says:
Processing LaTeX file ...
The .tex file is written, but not processed. The buffer with the
proces output stays empty. When I open the .tex file and run it
through pdftex the pdf is generated as expected.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards