Hi folks (and Carsten in particular!),
I have just started playing with org-mode and have to say WOW! What a
fantastic tool! The more I use it the more I like it!
I am puzzled about something tho' that may be just due to my level of
experience with the tool. I am using 6.28b and from the
it seems that the Meta-Left and Meta-Right should act on plain lists
well as headlines; that is, should demote/promote just the current
level, not the children, which you use Shift-Meta-Left/Right for,
Here's what I see - if I have:
1. item 1
1. item 2
2. item 3
and I promote (Meta-Left) item 2 I see
1. item 1
2. item 2
2. item 3
If I then demote (Meta-Right) item 2, I see
1. item 1
1. item 2
2. item 3
Where I would have thought I would see this using Shift-Meta-Right,
for Meta-Right should have returned the list to the primary state.
the structured editing not work this way for plain lists?
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