On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 2:25 AM, Russell Adams
<address@hidden> wrote:
Slightly offtopic, but I was reading /. where they are arguing over
the inclusion of Mono in Debian in order to support the Tomboy app.
I won't get into the whole Mono debate, but I was curious why the
angst over one application? Whats it do?
Its a note taking app for Gnome written in Mono! In fact, it sounds
like they are trying for some similar Org functionality, but with a
GUI frontend.
I think it ironic they are arguing over including this in Debian, when
they already have Emacs and Org out of the box. ;]
Russell Adams address@hidden
I used to use Tomboy as my main desktop wiki. Then I switched to emacs-wiki, and more
recently from that to org-mode.
Tomboy gets the linking aspect of a wiki in a simple GUI. This gives it a lot of power over
simple note taking, but the power of any wiki.
Some features in Tomboy and emacs-wiki which as far as I have discovered are not in
org-mode though are backlinks (ie "what links here"), and simple text searches accross
the entire wiki. emacs-wiki does this by a simple shell pipe using find which should be easy
to do in org-mode.
There is also a lot of talk going on in the Tomboy cotroversies involving gnote. That is a new
app, which ports Tomboy out from mono to straight C++. It attempts to duplicate the user
experience of Tomboy as much as possible, though I did read on the gnote web site there
is one feature (pinning) that they are changing.
I have run Tomboy and gnote and they do look very similar.
There is also a lot of talk about this in Ubuntu, and apparently Ubuntu is about to drop Tomboy and
replace it with gnote, over the mono issue, and similarly for other mono apps.
One nice GUI feature of Tomboy and gnote. The default is new notes are opened in their own
window, which is small. So you can readily get many notes on screen side by side, and use
the window manager to organize them by placement.
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