On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Vikram S V
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Xin,
> I think the manual is a different story than the other HTML pages generated
> by org-mode.
I see. Thank you for the pointer. As you can see (?), the icon seems
to be missing in the manual pages too.
No problem. You're right. In the manual case, there is no such line in the HTML.
I am no expert at org-mode, my naive guess is that, probably there is
some common "source" to this problem of missing icons.
However, in the Changes.html, the HTML file has it as I pointed in my first email:
link rel=
"icon" href=
"/org-mode-unicorn.ico" type=
"image/ico" />
When loading that page:
http://orgmode.org/Changes.html, if one looks carefully, one can see the icon shows up in the address bar very quickly and then disappear. :)