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Re: [Orgmode] Comments in Org-mode

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Comments in Org-mode
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 06:29:48 +0200

On Jul 15, 2009, at 5:45 AM, Manuel Amador wrote:

Hi Sebastian and Russell,

You are correct. The problem appears after I comment a region in org- mode with:
M-x comment-region <enter> # <enter>

After that, every time auto-fill does its magic, I get a # at the
beginning of each new line.
Yes.  Running this command sets the variable comment-start, which
then breaks automatic filling.  I have never understood why, it would
be nice to fix this problem, but I don't know how.

Samuel's solution to use filladapt might work, but it replaces much
of Org's wrapping code with something else - which I don't really want.

- Carsten


On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Sebastian Rose<address@hidden> wrote:
Russell Adams <address@hidden> writes:
I just tried that in 6.24b with auto-fill-mode, and no problems.

Same here. Maybe it's the "old" emacs development-snappshot?
There where quite some bugs - it's not a release version.

I know I saw that problem...

I use the current emacs CVS version and it's fine.

emacs, org-mode 6.24a, Debian testing.


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