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Re: [Orgmode] formula

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] formula
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 13:40:17 +0200

Hi Haroldo,

Well, I am using the newest version of Org-mode for which you'd have to use a filed formula for the first field in the balance column. Then using your
formulas, `C-u C-c *' does fill the entire table:

|  in | out | balance |
|     |     |       0 |
|  30 |     |      30 |
|     |  25 |       5 |
| 100 |     |     105 |
| 500 |     |     605 |
|     | 400 |     205 |
|     |     |     205 |
#+TBLFM: address@hidden + @+0$1 - @+0$2::@2$3=0

So I don't know why this is not working for you.

- Carsten

On Aug 4, 2009, at 8:28 AM, Haroldo Stenger wrote:

Sure, sorry, that's what text is for :)

|  in | out | balance |
|     |     |         |
|  30 |     |      30 |
|     |  25 |       5 |
| 100 |     |     105 |
| 500 |     |         |
|     | 400 |         |
|     |     |         |
#+TBLFM: address@hidden + @+0$1 - @+0$2

That's how the table looks like after
- creating the table
- filling columns 1 and 2 with numbers
- creating the column formula in column 3, and
- typing C-c * in @3$3  , @4$3  and  @5$3

The complete filling of the $3 column doesn't take place by issuing the commands in http://orgmode.org/org.html#Updating-the-table. If I go to @6$3 , @7$3 and @8$3 and type C-c * I obtain what I want, being:
|  in | out | balance |
|     |     |         |
|  30 |     |      30 |
|     |  25 |       5 |
| 100 |     |     105 |
| 500 |     |     605 |
|     | 400 |     205 |
|     |     |     205 |
#+TBLFM: address@hidden + @+0$1 - @+0$2

I know that what I'm asking should be of easy achievement on my own, but I got somewhat frustrated when I use the commands and the filling doesn't happen. Thanks for helping me.

2009/8/4 Carsten Dominik <address@hidden>
> Hi Haroldo,
> instead of keeping us guessing what your table might look like,
> maybe you can just post it....
> - Carsten
> On Aug 4, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Haroldo Stenger wrote:
>> Dear Carsten ,
>> Thanks ! That's exactly what I was in need of: a combination of a column-formula and relative references in the formula. So far, so good. Now, I have the formula line like this
>> #+TBLFM: address@hidden + @-0$3 - @-0$4
>> and the very line I typed the formula gets calculated fine. If I want another line into the bus, I go to the empty field in the same column in another line, and go to the Calculate menu, and choose recalculate line, and the fine result appears there , as expected. But if I approach Calculate / Recalculate all , in fact , nothing happens. I tried many times, without result. Recalc line works perfectly, but that does not seem what I'm looking for, which would be a recalculation of all the fields in the column that holds my column-formula. I'll continue reading until I find out, but if you come up with an answer earlier I'd be grateful in advance ! :-)
>> best ,
>> haroldo
>> 2009/8/3 Carsten Dominik <address@hidden>
>> Hi Haroldo,
>> You cannot copy a formula easily from one field t the next with
>> shifting the reference like you would do in a normal spreadsheet.
>> However, you can use relative references (see the manual) in
>> order to write formulas in an invariant way, and then use basic
>> editing commands in the C-c ' buffer to define the formula for
>> many fields.  Even better, use a column formula which allows
>> you to write a single formula for an entire column.
>> - Carsten
>> On Aug 3, 2009, at 12:58 AM, Haroldo Stenger wrote:
>> hi , I wonder how can a formula in a table be "copied" to a location below, and its references be shifted alongwise automatically. I checked every documentation I've found , but that "feature" does not show up. I'm forced to copy the formula in in the C-c ' and then go to each of the references and type S-downarrow as many times. I'd thank any idea here.
>> best regards, haroldo.
>> (thanks for org-mode, it's great)
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