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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] noweb expansion of LaTeX output from R

From: Thomas S. Dye
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] [babel] noweb expansion of LaTeX output from R
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 17:36:18 -1000

On Nov 1, 2009, at 1:42 PM, Dan Davison wrote:

"Thomas S. Dye" <address@hidden> writes:

On Nov 1, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Dan Davison wrote:

"Thomas S. Dye" <address@hidden> writes:

Aloha all,

Is it possible to use the noweb syntax to pass LaTeX output from R
into a latex source block? I thought this would work, but the noweb
expansion yields nil.

Please note that this is just a question and not a request for a
change to org-babel. In this particular case, the best solution for
my workflow appears to be sending the table to a file, where I can
tweak the results more easily and completely than I can using the
facilities of the xtable package in R.

It does seem like a potentially useful path, though.

The following source and results blocks illustrate the situation, but
won't run unless you have a whole.adze object in the R session.  If
need be, I can supply an example that will stand alone.

All the best,

#+begin_src latex
Here is the output of the quantile
function: <<r-weight-quantile()>>.

#+srcname: r-weight-quantile
#+begin_src R :session :noweb :results output
weight <- quantile(whole.adze$weight)

Hi Tom,

Do you get the behaviour you want if you change that to
':results output latex'?


Hi Dan,

That changes how the table is wrapped in the results block, from #
+begin_example to #+BEGIN_LaTeX, but the noweb expansion still yields

Hi Tom,

I'm not sure that I've quite got my head round the various
latex/babel/tangle/export possibilities that have come up in the recent
thread! But I feel that this one should have a solution.

So if I do tangle on the following, I get the output below. Is that
observation relevant to our discussion? What exactly do you mean when
you say the noweb expansion yields nil? Can you explain the exact steps
that you're doing?


* test R->latex
#+begin_src latex :tangle td.tex
Here is the output of the quantile

#+srcname: r-weight-quantile()
#+begin_src R :session :noweb :results output latex

%% generated by org-babel-tangle

%% [[git:~/babel/sandbox/r-latex.org::address@hidden
Here is the output of the quantile
% latex table generated in R 2.9.2 by xtable 1.5-5 package
% Sun Nov  1 18:36:30 2009
& a & b \\
1 &   1 &   4 \\
 2 &   2 &   5 \\
 3 &   3 &   6 \\
%% block-1 ends here


#+resname: r-weight-quantile
% latex table generated in R 2.9.2 by xtable 1.5-5 package
% Sun Nov  1 11:17:44 2009
& weight \\
0\% &   0 \\
25\% &  22 \\
50\% &  34 \\
75\% &  83 \\
100\% & 2580 \\

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Hi Dan,

This org file reproduces the results I'm seeing.

* test R->latex

#+begin_src latex :tangle td2.tex
Here is the inner block:

#+srcname: inner-block
#+begin_src latex
Here is the output of the quantile

#+srcname: r-weight-quantile
#+begin_src R :session :noweb :results output latex

% generated by org-babel-tangle

% [[file:~/Public/projects/903_adzes/org-babel/test-noweb.org::*test %20R%20latex][block-1]]
Here is the inner block:

Here is the output of the quantile
% block-1 ends here


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