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Re: [Orgmode] BUG: org-annotation-helper.el uses caddr without requiring

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] BUG: org-annotation-helper.el uses caddr without requiring cl
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 22:34:21 +0100

On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:10 PM, Sebastian Rose wrote:

Nick Dokos <address@hidden> writes:
Adam Spiers <address@hidden> wrote:

org-annotation-helper.el uses caddr but does not require the cl
package; this results in

 *ERROR*: Symbol's function definition is void: caddr

when bzg/org-annotate-helper is invoked.

Isn't org-annotation-helper.el obsolete? I thought org-protocol.el has
supplanted it completely, in which case it might be better to just
delete it from the tree, instead of fixing it (or perhaps move it
to a deprecated area) - that would also help in not confusing new

Yes, if everyone is OK with that removal. The functionality of
org-annotation-helper is re-implemented in
org-protocol. org-annotation-helper.el was one of the parents
actually. Some code is still in there. That's why it's authors are
mentioned their, too.

Anyway, org-annotation-helper.el might still be in use somewhere.

I have no objection to remove it, if the author agrees.
Can anyone try to figure that out?


- Carsten


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- Carsten

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