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[Orgmode] More on GTD, browse todos by priority or creation date

From: T o n g
Subject: [Orgmode] More on GTD, browse todos by priority or creation date
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 02:47:39 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.132 (Waxed in Black)


I just found out this wonderful tool, and have gone through all the 
tutorials. What I haven't figured out is how to browse todo items by 
priority or creation date. Let me explain in details.

On reading the tutorials, I just found that that I've developed a 
methodology to handle things I need to do almost exactly as David Allen's 
Getting Things Done. Moreover, the methodology is backed up with my home-
grown simple emacs todo-mode (~200 lines), which allows me,

- track everything that need to be done
- track their logged/creation time
- assign priority to each todo item
- put arbitrary amount of info under each item

All these are important to me, because most of the todo items are 
unrelated and belongs to the Someday/Maybe class, which get mind swept 
into my huge todo file, for me to recall all the things that I thought 
about doing. 

What to do next is not only decided based on context, how much time  
available and my energy level, but also most importantly, their 
priorities. My todo-mode allows arbitrary priority levels, and todo 
item's priority can be changed with a single click. 

Ok, enough off-track babbling, what I want to know is that weather org-
mode can somewhat allows me to assign arbitrary levels of priority to my 
todo list, and let me browse them in their priority order (so that high 
priority items get done first). The creation date is another way for me 
to browse my todo items to see what have been on the list for too long. 

Thanks for your feedbacks

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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