On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Manish
<address@hidden> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:53 PM, sumeet pareek wrote:
> @Manish: Thanks for the reply. Emacs caught my attention this weekend when I
> saw a Google tech talk about org-mode. And I decided to give it a try.
> 1. Was able to install it very easily on ubuntu (but I use windows at work)
> 2. Was initially clueless on how to get emacs to run on windows but am now
> running ver.GNU Emacs 23.1.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) (It comes with org-mode
> built in :)
> 3. Spend the last hour playing around with org-mode. Loved it.
:) Welcome.
> ..And now I am hell bent to shift to emacs as my primary editor of choice.
> The first step of which would be to use it (org-mode) for my todos. Once I
> am pretty okay working with my TODOs I shall try other things like syncing
> it with google calendar et al.
You might find it to be a lot like the famous rabbit hole that goes
way deeper than you first thought..
Yea. I can already feel it :)
You picked up Emacs pretty fast (I took months and still know only a
few things) but you still might find this useful.
And for Org mode: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/index.php
Thanks for the links. You must have got started with emacs way back. I have the advantage of wealth of documentation that is there.. and I am kind of familiar with what to expect. Had heard a lot about this editor. Always wanted to try. But the comic
http://xkcd.com/378/ and the video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJTwQvgfgMM provided the final push to swtich.
Interestingly, with Org mode you first use it to figure out the way
you work and then you use it to achieve "mind like water".
PS: Remember to reply-all to send your response to the list as well.
Ooops. Have almost always used google groups mailing list before. It has the list address in the to field.