Carsten Dominik <address@hidden> writes:
On Feb 23, 2010, at 11:08 PM, Sébastien Vauban wrote:
Though, I need to re-use some of the intermediate computations for
"summary table". Therefore, I add names to some cells:
#+TBLNAME: etape1
| | Étape 1 | p.j | EUR HTVA |
| | Prestations | 100 | 40000.00 |
| ^ | | pj | Prestations |
| | Frais annexes | | 1280.00 |
| ^ | | | FraisAnnexes |
| | Gestion du projet | | 3200.00 |
| ^ | | | GestionDuProjet |
| | Licence | | 8000.00 |
| ^ | | | Licence |
| | Total | | 40000.00 |
| ^ | | | Total |
#+TBLFM: @address@hidden;%.2f::@address@hidden;%.
Now, the total is wrong: it's the value of the first cell... Like if
the `^'
prefix was simply dropped... and total limited to the first real
Any reason for this phenomenon? Or workaround (other than
describing every
cell to be summed)?
Well, the reason is that the parser probably stops at the first text
when summing, it tries to add "Prestations".
I am afraid there is not good work-around for this.
Hi Seb,
Well, I was going to suggest using org-babel. After playing around
for a
while, I ended up reading the org manual on table formulas and coming
back to a pure org solution.
My simplest solution is almost straight out of the manual (which makes
me worry that I've missed the point of the question?):
#+TBLFM:@10$4='(apply '+ '(@address@hidden));N
But seeing as I've got them, I may as well post my org-babel
Here's the first set of org-babel solutions, which are just like the
first solution, but use blocks to do the computation:
#+TBLFM:@10$4='(sbe my-sum-LANG (n (@address@hidden)));N
where LANG is whatever language you want to compute the sum in:
#+function: my-sum-elisp(n)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(apply '+ n)
#+function: my-sum-R(n)
#+begin_src R
#+function: my-sum-python(n)
#+begin_src python
return sum(n)
The second set of org-babel solutions use org-babel to do the table
indexing. This was before I realised that I could use the @address@hidden
;N syntax in conjunction with the org-babel sbe macro. So these ones
have to deal with separating the numeric entries from the character
#+TBLFM:@10$4='(sbe my-tab-sum-LANG);%.2f
#+function: my-tab-sum-elisp
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tab=etape1[2:9,3]
(apply '+ (remq nil (mapcar (lambda (row) (if (numberp (car row))
(car row))) tab)))
#+function: my-tab-sum-R
#+begin_src R :var tab=etape1[2:9,3]
sum(as.numeric(tab[[1]]), na.rm=TRUE)
#+function: my-tab-sum-python
#+begin_src python :var tab=etape1[2:9,3]
flatten = lambda(lizt): sum(lizt, [])
return sum(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, float), flatten(tab)))
- Carsten
Best regards,
Sébastien Vauban
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- Carsten
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