Hi Carsten,
On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Carsten Dominik
<address@hidden> wrote:
Org does read arctan2 as a field reference like B4 or AB2 and
that this is a row REALLY far to the right.
I have fixed this special case. Are there more functions in calc
which have
names like this?
I confirm that your fix works. Thanks for doing this so fast!
A quick search for digits in the "(calc) Function Index" info node
gives the following list:
arctan2, exp10, expm1, lnp1, log10, stir1, stir2
Here is a list of all the calc operators that I could find, some of
which might confuse your regexps:
!, !!, !!!, !=, %, &&, &&&, *, +, +/-, -, /, :, ::, :=, <, <=, =, ==,
=>, >, >=, ?, \, ^, _, |, ||, |||
I don't think it is necessary to allow all of these in table formulae
since many have synonyms. E.g., `x &&& y' can be written `pand(x, y)'