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[Orgmode] Django Web-org Project: Helped Needed

From: Christopher Long
Subject: [Orgmode] Django Web-org Project: Helped Needed
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 22:36:40 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20100228)

Dear All,

I've been writing a django based web-app to use from a blackberry (or the web or any device). I have the basic frame-work working in admin mode, but there is still much to be done.

If you have solid django experience and are interested in volunteering on this project to bring it to fruition, let me know. I know python reasonably well and have been teaching myself django with this project, but it'd be great to have people who have the following skills to contribute:
- lisp knowledge
- git use
- django web design skills, or
- strong python/django involved.

My intention is to make it work first for people who can run it
on their own web-server and then look into making it a web-app. I'm not in this to make money, but rather have access to org-mode TODO lists on all my devices in a centralized/update-able way.
And then to share that with the community.

 Please ONLY respond (and respond directly to me stoph at alum.mit.edu)
if you are in a position to help in the above ways. There will be later announcements
about the project for those who want to use it.


Tasks completed:
- converting .org files into SQL
- converting SQL into .org text files
- displaying and manipulating information in django's admin mode

Tasks which remain for stage one:
- Synchronizing the web-org information with org-mode using the mobile-org tools/methods from Carsten/Richard. - Creation of django views which look good on many mobile devices (and also ones for the full-screen viewing)
- Making the conversion code bullet-proof and the interface intuitive.



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