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Re: [Orgmode] About entering latex code in an org file

From: Pierre de Buyl
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] About entering latex code in an org file
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 10:57:25 -0500


I am no expert either but I think that the automated detection of latex snippets (that is, no explicit $) will only enclose in $ parts that cannot be reproduced in text.
I suggest that if you want a complete expression like \pi_{g}  \geq   
0.05 to be translated to $\pi_{g}  \geq  0.05$ instead of $\pi$$_{g} 
$  \geq  0.05 you should do the enclosing manually.


Le 10 déc. 10 à 10:17, Curiouslearn a écrit :


I am new to both emacs and org-mode. Org-mode sounds really cool and I
am trying to use it to make notes for a project. I have some latex
symbols that I need to enter in the file.
As a background:
(1) I read in the manual that for latex code I do not need to enclose
math inside $ $.
(2) I have many words with "_" in the their names, so as mentioned in
the manual, I added
#+OPTIONS: ^:{}
#+OPTIONS: _:{}
to my .org file.

In fact, the my file is
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
#+OPTIONS: ^:{}
#+OPTIONS: _:{}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength{\parskip}{2ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength{\parindent}{0in}

* TODO Write an aspiration_review function
  The function should do the following:
1. Investigates if \pi_{g} \geq 0.05 and \bar{\pi} \geq ASP_LEVEL

** Investigate if

---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
The problem is that when I export this using 'C-c C- e l' to latex,
some parts that should be enclosed in $ $ sign are not enclosed. This
is the relevant line copied and pasted from the exported .tex file

\item Investigates if $\pi$$_\{g\}$  \geq  0.05  and \bar{\pi} \geq

Can someone please let me know what is happening?

Thanks very much for all those who have been working on org-mode.

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