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[O] [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken?

From: Jeff Horn
Subject: [O] [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken?
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 23:24:09 -0500

Hey orgsters,

A sample document like the one below was compiling fine on an older
git commit, say about 10 days ago. Now, the tabular environment is
wrapped in latex verbatim. It's as if it is no longer respecting the
:noweb header.

----- begin org doc ------
#+TITLE:     Table Export Test

* Endogenizing Policy
Test table export.
#+source: tab-export
#+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex :noweb yes
** Tables                                                         :noexport:
#+tblname: tab-test
| Expectation          | Pre-policy
              | Post-policy
        | Cycle Summary                      |
| Larger gov't sector  | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$,
$\uparrow Y$  | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
$\downarrow Y$ | SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ |
| Smaller gov't sector | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$,  $\downarrow K$,
$\downarrow Y$ | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow
Y$         | SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ |
------ end org doc ------

Can anyone else confirm?

Jeffrey Horn

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