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[O] Re: [Orgmode] Capture question

From: John Hendy
Subject: [O] Re: [Orgmode] Capture question
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 10:16:26 -0600

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 7:19 AM, Bastien <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi John,

sorry for the late reply.

No problem.
I had difficulties parsing your email because it brings many issues
(better to have one email per issue) and it's not clear how the odd
behavior you observe depends on the (odd) structure/templates you are

I can't be that odd :)

Can you restate your problems in a way that help me grasp them?


1) I think this is solved. I was trying to file under a pre-existing headling (* top-level) but my template was like so:
| (setq org-capture-templates
|  '(("t" "todo" entry (file+headline "~/org/2011-02Feb.org" "Tracking")
|             "* TODO %?\n")))

I experimented with two stars on the TODO and it worked. Sorry, I probably should have posted back that it was solved, but after no replies I kind of thought this email was dead so I let it die :)

2) The manual says this as to one of the options for the capture target:
| (function function-finding-location)
|   Most general way, write your own function to find both file and location

Since my files always use the format YYYY-##MMM.org (2011-03Mar.org), I thought I could sure find a function that finds the current file rather than changing my capture target manually once a month.

3) I think this one was pretty clear... the manual says that if I do this:
| (define-key global-map "\C-c c"
|   (lambda () (interactive) (org-capture "t")))

I won't have to manually select "t" (TODO) for my capture template via the interactive window. Since I only use one capture template, it would be fantastic to have it automatically use it instead of asking me what I want to use and then I press another keystroke to select one template out of one available template.

I know it's hard, but everything that makes things easier for me makes
them easier for everyone - as I'll then have more time to actually fix

No problem -- I'll break things up better next time. I realize longer, jumbled emails will probably not be as enticing to dive into since everyone is volunteering from other things anyway!

Thanks for the assistance,

Thanks in advance!


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