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[O] if: Wrong type argument: stringp, \.\.\.

From: Markus Heller
Subject: [O] if: Wrong type argument: stringp, \.\.\.
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2011 14:11:51 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (windows-nt)

Hello group,

I'm stumped.  When I try to bring up the agenda with C-c a, I get the
error message mentioned in the subject line.

I'm using 23.2.1 on Windoze 7 64 bit, and the orgmode from today:

M-x org-version: 7.5

Here's my entire org-mode related part of my .emacs:

| ;;
| ;; Org Mode
| ;;
| ;; save all org buffers at 1 minute before the hour
| (run-at-time "00:59" 3600 'org-save-all-org-buffers)
| ;; no need to compile the sources
| (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp/")
| (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/contrib/lisp/")
| (setq org-directory "h:/org/")
| (require 'org-install)
| ;; Custom Key Bindings
| (global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
| (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
| (global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f6>") 'bh/clock-in-600-install-default-task)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f8>") 'org-cycle-agenda-files)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f9> b") 'bh/clock-in-NMR-booking-task)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f9> g") 'gnus)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f9> m") 'bh/clock-in-email-task)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f9> o") 'bh/clock-in-organization-task)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f9> p") 'bh/clock-in-phone-task)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f9> r") 'bh/clock-in-read-task)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f9> R") 'bh/clock-in-repair-task)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f9> SPC") 'bh/clock-in-last-task)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f10>") 'hist-org-clock-in-select)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f11>") 'org-clock-goto)
| (global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") 'org-agenda)

Any hints are highly appreciated.


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