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[O] embed markdown?

From: Fred Concklin
Subject: [O] embed markdown?
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 03:09:04 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Hi all, 

   I'm Fred and I just joined the list. 

   I've been using github for a little bit and really like their parsing
   of org-mode files on the web[1]. I was converting a markdown file to
   org-mode wasn't able to figure out how to convert a directory
   hierarchy from Md. 

   I've attached links to show you what I mean. Let me know if anybody
   has any thoughts. Maybe tables? It all comes down to how github
   renders org on their site in this case. 

   Is there a way to embed markdown as code inside of org? 

   unrendered-md: https://github.com/nakkaya/static/raw/master/README.md
   rendered-md: https://github.com/nakkaya/static/blob/master/README.md
   org-mode: https://github.com/fconcklin/static/blob/master/readme.org

   Thanks all, 

[1] I assume they're running pandoc on the backend. However, there are a few
   shortcomings. For instance, the #+begin_src sh tag doesn't display as
   code on the web. 

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