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Re: [O] Re: [Orgmode] Startup page

From: Matthew Sauer
Subject: Re: [O] Re: [Orgmode] Startup page
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 19:22:00 -0500

Sorry, at times I forget about this when I use webmail (When I am at
school that is the only option due to wi-fi restrictions of the
university).  Hope this is better.

Here is what I have landed on so far, it works great:

---clip here----currently in .emacs----
(defun org-dblock-write:recently-modified (params) ;Credit to Ido
Magal for this function
 (insert (mapconcat (lambda (arg) (concat "[[file:" arg "][" arg "]]"
)) (split-string (shell-command-to-string "ls -t
/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/org *.org | head -10")) "\n")))
(let ((org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window));Thanks Nick, let me
eliminate the delete
     (org-agenda nil "a"))
(find-file "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/Org/Refile.org")
-----clip here---- currently in .emacs

Below is the basic Refile.org file, some of my captures will fall
directly into here unless I refile them out to a specific place, it's
a land of things that need dealt with but I just did a quick capture.
Now I just need to work out a fun for the Unscheduled todo block and I
will have everything how I want it, well for now anyway.  I may also
add some links or a reminder, and eventually a random quote of the day
in a dynamic block from an RSS feed I pull, hmmm, maybe I should pull
the last 5 from one or two of the feeds into this block from the
feeds.org.   This is kind of becoming an aggregator set of buffers.

-----clip here---- current refile.org file
* Config
 #+STARTUP: nofold
 #+STARTUP: indent
 #+STARTUP: align
 #+STARTUP: hidestars
 #-*- eval:(org-update-all-dblocks) -*-
* Tasks
* Refile
* Recently modified org files
 #+BEGIN: recently-modified

* Unscheduled todo items
 #+BEGIN: unsched-todo

-----clip here ---- current Refile.org

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Bastien <address@hidden> wrote:
> Filippo, Matthew,
> please use plain text emails, otherwise the code you send is not
> readable.  You can manually turn off rich-formatted (=HTML) emails
> in gmail for each email.
> Thanks,
> --
>  Bastien

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