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[O] Bug: Recurring items don't always show up in timeline

From: Mark S
Subject: [O] Bug: Recurring items don't always show up in timeline
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:58:00 -0800
User-agent: Opera Mail/11.01 (Win32)

I posted this before as a question, but since it has been confirmed by others, and shows up under Linux and Windows, I'll now post the details as a bug.

The Timeline view *would* be very useful for scheduling months in advance, reviewing history, or printing a year event calendar. Unfortunately, it appears that it can't really be trusted. The basic problem is that in AGENDA TIMELINE view ("C-a L") recurring items are frequently and unpredictably dropped from the view. The regular AGENDA view works fine AFAIK -- its the TIMELINE that is at issue.

Below is a version of the calendar I'm using. There are two date ranges as well as regular dates. It might be that recurring events that occur on days that are inside of a date range do not show up. But not necessarily. On mine, "Bath for dog" doesn't show up on April 14th, for instance which happens to be inside of a date range. The Pay Cell Phone item does not occur 90 days later (about 4/15) which would also be inside of a date range. BUT it also does not occur on or near 7/15, which is not inside of a date range.

Likewise, the "Do this every 3 months" item does not show up in June, even though it would not fall inside of a date range.

If there's some magic incantation that will make this data work, it would be nice to know ;-)


--- Data ----------------------------------------------------

** TODO Pay Cell Phone Bill TriMonthly <2011-01-15 Sat +90d>
** TODO [#A] Bath for dog <2011-03-10 Thu +1w>                             :PM:
** Books due at LIB1 <2011-03-24 Thu>
   More stuff here
** Books due at LIB2 <2011-03-12 Sat +1w>
   Stuff here
** DONE Check planning schedule  <2011-03-13 Sun>
   CLOSED: [2011-03-14 Mon 06:38]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2011-03-14 Mon 06:38]
** TODO Recharge electrical equipment <2011-03-13 Sun +1w>
** TODO Orthodontist Visit <2011-03-13 >
** Book Fair <2011-03-24 Thu>                                          :Child1:
** Do this every 3 months <2011-03-28 Mon +90d>
** Parent Teacher Conference Days <2011-03-31 Thu>--<2011-04-07 Thu> :Child1:
** Spring Break <2011-04-11 Mon>--<2011-04-22 Fri>               :Child1:
** PTA Picnic <2011-05-20 Fri>                                         :Child1:
** Memorial Day <2011-05-30 Mon>
** Summer begins <2011-06-02 Thu>                                      :Child1:
** Harry Potter's Birthday <2011-07-31 Sun>

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