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[O] Re: Making GTD more mangeable with org

From: Thomas Renkert
Subject: [O] Re: Making GTD more mangeable with org
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 14:21:51 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

> However, I started noticing I was getting lost in my own system. This
> is partly because I still don't have the habit of reviewing it all
> very often, but I also found out that my main gtd.org file (the one
> that has projects and next actions/tasks) was getting really long. I
> know I could just use use the visibility functions to make it more
> mangeable, but somehow I was still getting confused about what to do
> at certain points in the day.
> Then I had the idea of creating a braindead index. Something that I
> could access quickly and that would give me *perspective* and help me
> decide what path to take. Here's how it looks like:
> http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/2199/screenshot20110318at120.png
> It can be thought of as a:
>  * A dashboard
>  * Overview of my system - a way to glue the most important parts
>  * A way to trigger my mind and help me stay on track (avoid procrastination)
>  * A "cache" area where I can list the projects or files that matter
> the most *now*
>  * A checklist / workflow
>  * A quick way to regain perspective and help you go back to the "zone"

> Anyway, I know it might sound like a stupid small thing, but I found
> that this entry-point to my system actually helps me stay focused.
> What do you think ? Share your thoughts ;)
> Marcelo.

Hi Marcelo,

this looks really great! Do you think you could share your code here? 

My ideas would be to start with one "Most important task" at the top of the
list, to include recent emails that need action (links from wanderlust) and so
on. Maybe one could also include things like 5-Minute/10-minute tasks for small
breaks and so on.

Your code would be a great starting point for a more capable dashboard/home
screen. (I have some more ideas on this topic but would rather try your code
first - but maybe this would be a great addition to orgmode, especially for new


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