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[O] Re: Following links in an indirect buffer

From: Matt Lundin
Subject: [O] Re: Following links in an indirect buffer
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:42:16 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110016 (No Gnus v0.16) Emacs/23.3 (gnu/linux)

Shaun Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi all,
> I regularly work in an indirect buffer created by org-tree-to-indirect-buffer.
> Following an id: type link in such a buffer seems to always switche to the
> base buffer even if the target is visible in the indirect buffer.

If you have org-id-track-globally set to t, org-mode will query a hash
table to determine in which file the id is located. The result will
always be the base file. (Contrast this with [[target]] links, which
prompt a simple search in the current buffer.)

> Is the buffer switching intended behaviour or is this a bug?

I wouldn't call it a bug. But I think an option to search first in the
current buffer might be a feature request. :)

> Following an ordinary link (like [[Target]]) does not exhibit this buffer
> switching behaviour. However if the target is outside the visible part of
> the indirect buffer the buffer will be widened and point will move to the
> target but only after being told that there is no match and asked if I want
> to create a new heading.

This seems a bug to me, since the buffer is widened and the correct
target found after the warning.


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