On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Eric S Fraga
<address@hidden> wrote:
Steven Haryanto <
address@hidden> writes:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing an Org parser for Perl[1]. There are a few things about the
> syntax which are still unclear to me.
> 1. The manual says that multiple (different) in-buffer settings can be
> specified on the same line, but so far I haven't found such example
> anywhere. What is the syntax for this?
If you are referring to lines like this one:
#+OPTIONS: oddeven hideblocks
the syntax is space separated options.
>From the manual (emphasis mine): "*Several setting words* can be in the same line, but you can also have multiple lines for the keyword." So I guess "setting words" mean setting's arguments (and not setting names, like specifying OPTIONS and TODO on the same line)?
What is the main purpose of your parser?
I first wrote it because I thought it would be fun, and CPAN does not have one already. The parser converts Org document into a tree of node objects, and can be a base for other efforts, like exporter to HTML/TXT/POD.