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Re: [O] Emacs and tablet devices

From: Jason F. McBrayer
Subject: Re: [O] Emacs and tablet devices
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 08:44:29 -0400
User-agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.5.3

On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 13:59:18 +0200, Piter_ wrote:

It may be not the best place to ask, but:
How useful is emacs on tablet devices. I have been thinking about
emacs and freerunner. But I have no clue how the keybindings work
with it.
So my second guess is nanonote which has a keyboard (but i would
prefer freerunner as it has less moving parts).
Any experiense or tips.
I don't have any experience with either of those devices, but I do
have a little emacs-on-tablet experience.

I have run Emacs in an SSH session from Android, using the ConnectBot
ssh client, and the Hacker's Keyboard input method. I'd say the user
experience is adequate but not ideal -- it depends on sticky modifier
keys rather than the usual chording. I believe that if you ran (e.g.)
a Debian chroot alongside Android, you could run a local emacs in a
local terminal or under Xvnc.

In my opinion, this will work, but it doesn't really leverage any
tablet-specific features.

Another possible device you might consider is the N850/900/950
series. I'm fairly certain there is a native emacs build for those
that requires no special jiggery-pokery.

| Jason F. McBrayer address@hidden |
| If someone conquers a thousand times a thousand others in |
| battle, and someone else conquers himself, the latter one |
| is the greatest of all conquerors. --- The Dhammapada |

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