On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Eric Schulte
<address@hidden> wrote:
As I fix bugs and address concerns raised on the mailing list I often
write small snippets of Org-mode text to demonstrate features and
exercise specific behaviors. I've been compiling these examples into a
single massive scraps.org file which I've finally got around to
This is available in
| html | http://eschulte.github.com/org-scraps/ |
| rss | http://eschulte.github.com/org-scraps/atom.xml |
| git | https://github.com/eschulte/org-scraps |
I thought this might be useful for those who would like the occasional
Babel example to puzzle over, or as a way to find working examples of
specific behaviors -- e.g., text searching for keywords in the html file
should easily turn up related examples.
Thanks Eric - that looks very useful.
Just as a sideline: would it be possible, to use this file to test babel (on a high level)?, i.e. collect all results and compare them with previous sets of results?
Especially, as this file is high-level and contains a whole range of "examples for the real world", I think that might be useful. It would definitely not be usable t pinpoint errors, but at identify unintended side effects. And if this could be done by the user to test .emacs configuration settings, that would be really great.
Hope this is useful and or fun, I will continue to update it as the
scraps.org file grows.
Cheers -- Eric
Eric Schulte