On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Christian Moe
<address@hidden> wrote:
On 10/21/11 11:12 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
2. Allowing you to pass multiple buffer-wide arguments with :var.
This could make a substantive difference in some applications. The
following will work:
#+BABEL: :var euro=1.3791 :var salestax=.15
The following will not, since it tries to set the same property:
#+PROPERTY: var euro=1.3791
#+PROPERTY: var salestax=.15
I think it is a very important point, that the construct with :var
still works - but as Eric only mentioned the *naming*, I assume that
in the actual usage nothing changes.
Hi, Rainer,
My point was that there is at least one (minor) case where properties are not functionally equivalent to the BABEL line: You cannot pass arguments for more than one variable buffer-wide, because you can't have multiple var properties at the same time, and at present, one var property only sets one variable.
So, using your above mentioned example, after the first PROPERTY line, euro=1.3795 and SALESTAX not set, while after the second one salestax=.15, and euro is unset? That would be quite bad.
The behavior of properties has not changed. What has changed is the removal of the BABEL header, whose colon (:var) syntax did allow you to set multiple variables buffer-wide should you wish to.
To clarify: before, we could use #+BABEL and #PROPERTY to do similar things. Now the whole #+BABEL has been removed, and only the functionality from #+PROPERTY is left - correct?