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Re: [O] org-mobile-push problem
From: |
address@hidden |
Subject: |
Re: [O] org-mobile-push problem |
Date: |
Sun, 6 Nov 2011 22:24:46 +0100 |
Am 06.11.2011 um 22:01 schrieb Jambunathan K:
> "address@hidden" <address@hidden> writes:
>> Hi Jambunathan,
>>>> Sorry, I didn't get into too much detail here because I had the
>>>> feeling that the problem might have been cause by me not being able
>>>> to use the package manager correctly rather than the package manager
>>>> itself. But if it could help others, of course, I'm sharing the
>>>> details as far as I understand them.
>>>> I'm using Aquamacs (for Mac OS):
>>>> GNU Emacs (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, NS apple-appkit-949.54)
>>>> of 2011-10-25 on braeburn.aquamacs.org - Aquamacs Distribution 2.4
>>>> Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>>>> When I run "package-list-packages", I get the message "Failed to
>>>> download `Org-mode' archive." (didn't note that before), but it still
>>>> offered the latest version of Org nevertheless.
>>> Do
>>> M-x customize-variable RET package-archives RET
>>> and delete the following "Org-mode" archive from the list:
>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>>> (add-to-list 'package-archives
>>> '("Org-mode" . "http://orgmode.org/pkg/daily/"))
>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>> Ok, deleted.
>>> Additionally, you can also look at ~/.emacs.d/elpa/archives/ subdir and
>>> recursively delete the directory corresponding to "Org-mode" archive.
>>>> I could install it from there and Org appeared to be updated to
>>>> version 7.7, but somehow the macro "org-eval-in-environment" was only
>>>> found after reloading Org uncompiled after every restart of
>>>> Emacs.
>>>> This could be repeated infinitely, i.e., I always got this error
>>>> message when running "package-list-packages" and it always offered me
>>>> to install Org. Now I downloaded the tar-file manually and installed
>>>> it with "package-install-file". Now "org-eval-in-environment" is found
>>>> normally. After "package-list-files" I still get the message "Failed
>>>> to download `Org-mode' archive.", but it shows Org as installed and
>>>> does no longer offer to install it.
>>>> I hope that was more helpful. If you need more information, I will be
>>>> happy to try to provide it.
>>> I am trying to isolate the root cause of the issue here. Hope you can
>>> help me locate the root cause.
>>> Try the following procedure:
>>> 1. Store the org-*.tar that you have downloaded in some safe place.
>> Done.
>>> 2. rm -rf ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-* {BE CAREFUL HERE, YOU ARE DELETING
>>> STUFF}
>>> - In this step you are deleting your org installed through elpa.
>> Done.
>>> 3. Check your .emacs - Does it make have (require 'org-install)? If it
>>> has this entry remove that line or comment out that line.
>> Commented out.
>>> 4. Restart emacs
>>> 5. M-x locate-library RET org RET
>>> 6. Note the directory reported.
>>> - If it looks like it is coming from your default Emacs installation
>>> directory then proceed to step 7.
>> Obviously the directory I just added.
>>> - If it looks like it is one of the directories added by you, delete
>>> that directory from either load-path or simply delete it from the
>>> disk. (To be safe, instead of deleting you can just rename or move
>>> the directory somewhere else). Goto step 4.
>>> 7. Note the version of Org with M-x org-version RET.
>> Renaming the folder didn't help because Emacs still found it. Moved
>> the folder and now M-x locate-library RET org RET points to the
>> original directory.
>> M-x org-version RET -> Org-mode version 6.33x
>>> Now do a M-x
>>> package-install-file RET
>> Your procedure is exactly what I did eventually to get it running. It
>> worked, when I installed org via package-install-file RET. Instead,
>> now I am reporting in detail what happens when I do M-x
>> package-list-packages:
>> I get the message:
>> "Failed to download `Org-mode' archive."
> After reconfiguring package-archives, you haven't saved it for future
> sessions or you forgot to recompile your .emacs.
>> It still lists the newest version of org-mode along the packages.
> This is OK. Because org mode gets updated daily. You are actually seeing
> the tar files from here.
> http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/
>> I hit "Install".
>> I get a couple of error messages. Find attached the complete compile
>> log.
>> Emacs restart.
>> org-version -> "Org-mode version 7.7"
>> org-mobile-push -> "byte-code: Invalid function:
>> org-eval-in-environment"
> This is along the expected lines. I have done a quick look at the
> compile log.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> 168: In end of data:
> 169: org-agenda.el:8546:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to
> be defined:
> 170: calendar-day-name, calendar-day-of-week, calendar-month-name,
> 171: calendar-absolute-from-gregorian, org-with-gensyms, marker,
> 172: org-string-nw-p, org-eval-in-environment,
> 173: org-make-parameter-alist, calendar-gregorian-from-absolute,
> 174: calendar-date-string, org-face-from-face-or-color,
> 175: org-entry-blocked-p, calendar-current-date, org-today,
> 176: calendar-last-day-of-month, calendar-leap-year-p,
> 177: org-order-calendar-date-args, org-string-match-p,
> 178: org-duration-string-to-minutes, org-called-interactively-p,
> 179: calendar-cursor-to-date, calendar-day-of-year-string
> 180:
> 526: Compiling file /Users/bastian/Library/Application Support/Aquamacs
> Emacs/elpa/org-20111105/org-macs.el at Sat Nov 5 22:20:04 2011
> 537: org-mobile.el:1103:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to
> be defined:
> 538: org-string-nw-p, org-find-olp
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Some notes:
> 1. The files are compiled in alphabetical order.
> 2. The only reference to org-eval-in-environment - of which you complain
> - is in compile log is in org-agenda.el.
> 3. Note that org-macs.el gets compiled after org-agenda.el
> 4. org-mobile.el has no references to org-eval-in-environment.
> Needless to your "system-installed" org has no org-eval-in-environment
> in it's org-macs.el.
> The only way org-agenda.el can have org-eval-in-environment compiled in
> as macro is by
> 1. compiling & loading org-macs.el from the package dir.
> 2. compiling org-agenda.el
> strictly in that order.
> Now the question is what is the reciped for accomplishing 1 & 2 in that
> order.
> I hope some of the observers will lend me a helping hand.
> Relevant?
> - http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-11/msg00223.html
>> C-u C-c C-x r (Org reload uncompiled)
> This preciely load org-macs.el from the elpa dir.
>> org-mobile-push -> "Files for mobile viewer staged"
>> Works till next restart of emacs.
> So the problem is solved.
> Now the exact order of org-reload and package-install-file is important.
> It is not package-install-file *alone* that solves the problem. It is
> package-install-file *after* org-reload/uncompiled that solves the
> problem.
> The sequence is important.
> Now the question is can we get everything working *without* requiring
> that the user do a org-reload explicitly?
I tried and it is not necessary to org-reload/uncompiled before installing org
with the command "package-install-file". It is "package-install-file" alone
that solves the problem. I have those problems only with
>> Then I downloaded the .tar-file manually and installed via M-x
>> package-install-file RET
>> Org-reload.
>> org-version -> "Org-mode version 7.7"
>> org-mobile-push -> "Files for mobile viewer staged" (i.e. everything works)
>> I hope this helps to identify the problem with the package manager.
>>> 8. Restart Emacs
>>> 9. Now. Do you still run in to the original org-macs issue that you
>>> reported?
>>> Extra information for me:
>>> 10. What does C-h v package-enable-at-startup RET report?
>> package-enable-at-startup is a variable defined in `package.el'.
>> Its value is t
>> Bastian
Re: [O] org-mobile-push problem, address@hidden, 2011/11/03