On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Sebastien Vauban
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Rainer,
Rainer M Krug wrote:
>> The proposal is, when a property name ends in +, the value is appended
>> to the corresponding property, rather than replacing it, so
>> #+PROPERTY: var foo=1
>> #+PROPERTY: var bar=2
>> results in '(("var" . "bar=2"))
>> #+PROPERTY: var foo=1
>> #+PROPERTY: var+ , bar=2
>> results in '(("var" . "foo=1, bar=2"))
>> This way subtree properties could be used as well, e.g.,
>> #+PROPERTY: var foo=1
>> * subtree
>> :var+: bar=2
>> :CUSTOM_ID: something
>> :END:
> I like that suggestion - it is clear, easy to understand, gives other
> advantages (you can "unset" variables in a subtree - which would be an
> added bonus) and does not require any large changes in org files.
How do you unset a var? By resetting the list with a new var (without `+'),
and adding all the other valid vars? If so, not really unsetting... You
simply void all vars, and create new definitions...
Exactly - with "unseting" var, I don't refer to unsetting a single variable, but all variables.
But as we have the var+, what about a var- to unset a single variable?
Best regards,
Sebastien Vauban