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Re: [O] How to include comments on export? org-exp-blocks.el?

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: [O] How to include comments on export? org-exp-blocks.el?
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 22:53:49 -0700

We had a wonderful discussion of it once, along with different
possible uses for inline tasks, inclusion of paragraphs, non-exported
headlines for easier structure editing, universal syntax, and
returning text to higher level.

On my blog I use a colored background, which could also serve as comment blocks:

#+HTML: <div style="color: black; background-color: burlywood">

Some text.

#+HTML: </div>

A bit rudimentary perhaps.


On 2011-10-24, Herbert Sitz <address@hidden> wrote:
> I'm trying to see if there is a way to include comments on export, to show
> up as
> something like the comments boxes you see in MS Word.
> I see Eric Schulte did some work on this and that somehow it ended up (I
> think)
> as part of what you could do using the org-exp-blocks addon.  But I'm not
> sure
> how you actually use it.
> Can someone give an example of how org-exp-blocks (or anything else) could
> be
> used to export comment blocks as graphic notes in the text?
> Thanks,
> Herb

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