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Re: [O] org mode in press

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] org mode in press
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 11:28:08 -0500

Christian Wittern <address@hidden> wrote:

> The one dependency I could not solve was the 'dot' executable.  I
> assume this is an interpreter for the dot language, for which it seems
> the program on the Mac is named graphviz.  However, I am not sure how
> to make that work with org/babel.  Should I simply symlink to
> graphviz?  Or is there a babel variable to be set?  This is a point
> that probably needs some explanation, at least for Mac users (I
> realize that the articel might not have been intended as such a
> general introduction with details for all common OSses, but it would
> be nice if this can be gradually supplemented).

On linux, the graphviz package install a bunch of libraries and a bunch of
commands. The commands are:

|    Graph layout programs
|        dot    filter for hierarchical layouts of graphs
|        neato  filter for symmetric layouts of graphs
|        twopi  filter for radial layouts of graphs
|        circo  filter for circular layout of graphs
|        fdp    filter for symmetric layouts of graphs
|        All of the filters work with either directed or undirected graphs, 
though dot  is  typically
|        used for directed graphs and neato for undirected graphs.  Note also 
that neato -n[2] can be
|        used to render layouts produced by the other filters.
|    Graph drawing programs
|        lefty  A Programmable Graphics Editor
|        lneato lefty + neato
|        dotty  lefty + dot
|    Graph layout enhancement
|        gvcolor
|               flow colors through a ranked digraph
|        unflatten
|               adjust directed graphs to improve layout aspect ratio
|        gvpack merge and pack disjoint graphs
|    Graph information and transformation
|        gc     count graph components
|        acyclic
|               make directed graph acyclic
|        nop    pretty-print graph file
|        ccomps connected components filter for graphs
|        sccmap extract strongly connected components of directed graphs
|        tred   transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
|        dijkstra
|               single-source distance filter
|        bcomps biconnected components filter for graphs
|        gvpr   graph pattern scanning and processing language
|        prune  prune directed graphs
|    Other
|        gxl2dot, dot2gxl
|               GXL-DOT converters

There is no "graphviz" executable as such. I would expect a similar setup
on MacOS. The man page refers to http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation.php
for more info.


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