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Re: [O] org-version reported as 6.33x after upgrading to the "latest and

From: Jambunathan K
Subject: Re: [O] org-version reported as 6.33x after upgrading to the "latest and greatest" with Emacs' Package Manager
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 23:20:29 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.92 (windows-nt)

Angel de Vicente <address@hidden> writes:

> and at the end of the file
> (setq load-path (cons "~/Emacs-custom" load-path))
> (require 'package)
> (package-initialize)
> Did I miss something else that I should do? I was planning on getting
> rid of the version that comes with Emacs, but I thought I should ask
> first...

If there is a mysterious force loading Org from the *system path* *and*
if you *don't* have Org checked out in one of your local directories ,
then you can as well move the above three lines to the top of your
.emacs. This way your elpa path will override system location.


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