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Re: [O] [PATCH] Add autoload cookie for function org-table-iterate-buffe

From: Sebastien Vauban
Subject: Re: [O] [PATCH] Add autoload cookie for function org-table-iterate-buffer-tables
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 12:09:59 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130004 (Ma Gnus v0.4) Emacs/24.0.94 (windows-nt)

Hi Bastien,

Bastien wrote:
> "Sebastien Vauban" <address@hidden> writes:
>> Bastien wrote:
>>> "Sebastien Vauban" <address@hidden> writes:
>>>> 2012-04-05  Sebastien Vauban  <address@hidden>
>>>>    * org-table.el (org-table-iterate-buffer-tables): Autoload
>>>>    function.
>>> Why do you need this function to be autoloaded?
>> To be able to use it in batch mode without having to require explicitly
>> `org-table'.
> The problem is there are quite a lot of commands (interactive functions)
> that can be used in batch mode. Why adding autoload to this and not to
> another one?
> I don't want to open the door for one-by-one requests of this kind... so
> unless this is a more pressing need for an autoload cookie, I'll let you
> (require 'org-table) in your script.
> Does that make sense?

I'd be more in favor of trying to get autoload cookies for all the functions
which could need it, hence accepting such one-by-one patches -- which have no
border effects of any sort.

For example, you accepted the autoload cookie on org-version, a couple of
weeks ago.

But, OK, there is certainly not right or wrong position, so I respect yours.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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