Hi Alexandros,
Alexandros Bantis<address@hidden> writes:
Have you got:
'((R . t)
(ditaa . t)
(dot . t)
(emacs-lisp . t)
(gnuplot . t)
(haskell . nil)
(latex . t)
(ledger . t)
(ocaml . nil)
(octave . t)
(python . t)
(ruby . t)
(screen . nil)
(sh . t)
(sql . nil)
(sqlite . t)))
somewhere in your .emacs. FWIW Ledger and Babel work fine on Arch here.
Yes. This morning I reverted to version 7.7 and the problem went away.
You should not have to revert to 7.7 to have babel/ledger work.
And others reported it worked for them -- maybe we just need to
investigate further?