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Re: [O] [babel] Literate Programming for publication

From: Olaf.Hamann
Subject: Re: [O] [babel] Literate Programming for publication
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 12:55:57 +0200
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Torsten Wagner<address@hidden>  writes:

How can I manage to use different code blocks (latex and python) but
still be able to inject results from python into the latex code
blocks? noweb and vars looked good but it did not work for me.

Hi Torsten,
chapter of the Org Mode Manual shows in detail how one can use result output from one src block as header argument :var input (input may be a org table, list, codeblock with arguments (!) , literal or even emacs lisp).
Does that fit your needs?
Could you give a concrete example with your requirements, that I could play with, say over weekend? I'm just a beginner with org-babel, but very interested in using LP in real project stuff.

Greetings, Olaf

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